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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Wilson

Welcome February!! ❤️

Greetings All!!

The mystics say that this year will pass in a blink of an eye!! Already we welcome February!! How has the beginning of 2024 been for you?

I wanted to share this book I ve been reading 'Guided By Love' by Ava Woods. She's a local lady and those who know her, know she simply radiates love and kindness. She has a beautiful heart and spirit!! The book is raw and honest, she tells her story of brokenness and how she rises from the ashes like the phoenix, guided by love.

I think we ve all experienced heart break at some point in our life and this book offers some great tools for healing. It's informative and interesting. The 9 star ki is absolutely fascinating. The book shares how Ava copes with a shock end to her marriage, but this book is so much more!! A great tool or 'first aid kit' as Ava says for many areas of heart break.

Excerpt: Everything happens for a reason. There is a design for your life with lessons throughout for you to embrace. If you allow it, a life guided by love, places you on a path of deeper self awareness, enabling you to live authentically and in your truth. Because after the storm, the sun's time for you to shine.

I wanted to really support this author, as she has so much to share both knowledge and enthusiasm. For further info or to purchase the book see link below:

You ve got to have a cuppa with a good book and I love anything spicy!! My drink of the month has been a super spicy twist to golden milk. It's potent, powerful and simple. It has such healing qualities. Here are just a few of the benefits:

A potent antioxidant & anti inflammatory.

Supports joints, skin.

Boosts ammunity.

Infuses body with vitality/ojas.


1/2 Cup coconut/or plant based milk

1 tsp Ground tumeric

1 tsp Ground ginger

1 tsp Ground cinnamon

1 Star anise

1/2 Black pepper (grind)

1/2 tsp Raw pressed coconut

1/2 tsp Manuka honey

I sometimes add more spice, play around with your desired taste.

  1. In a pan heat milk and all ingredients except coconut oil and honey on a medium heat.

  2. Simmer for 10 mins. Remove star anise and add coconut oil and honey. Mix well.

  3. Sip, relax and enjoy.

Gratitude and love to all those who show up week in and week out to practice on the mat

with me. I appreciate you all.

Wishing you peace and blesssings.

With a grateful heart.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.

Debbie. ❤️

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